I don't even own a functioning Mac to have the software to do it, but have an app idea I'd like to explore. Before I go gung ho in replacing my screen on my MacBook, I just thought I'd see if anyone might advise what I'm getting myself into. Anyone ever done much in creating one?
Originally Posted by forgop:
I don't even own a functioning Mac to have the software to do it, but have an app idea I'd like to explore. Before I go gung ho in replacing my screen on my MacBook, I just thought I'd see if anyone might advise what I'm getting myself into. Anyone ever done much in creating one?
Do you have any kind of programing or software development expierence? If not then I'd advise to to to get some training. There are a lot of online sources.
App develoipment is not as easy as it looks unless you have some skills... Just my