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Discussion>I went and flaked out
Tallman 07:20 PM 11-21-2012
Originally Posted by RevSmoke:
Peace of the Lord be with you.
Originally Posted by RevSmoke:
Hey, let me know when you will be in one of those spots, maybe we can hook up. My cabin up north is about 2.25 hours from Menomonie (near Chippewa Falls?). If you want to come up in the spring/early summer, I'd gladly see if I can get away for a few days and take you fishing.

What brings you up this direction? Business? If so, what exactly?
Todd, that's very nice, andI hope to take you up on that offer next summer! If you ever find your way to Northwest Arkansas, I'd be happy to take you fishing. Of course, one of my friends from Wisconsin says I fish for "green carp". He's not a big fan of largemouth bass fishing....

I work for Walmart, and we have a distribution center in each of those locations...I visit each one several times each year.
hammondc 07:27 PM 11-21-2012
Originally Posted by RevSmoke:
I could send something your way so that you could learn about them - say a "starter kit?" Interested?
Helluva haul!!!

I would be interested IF YOU WANTED TO OFFSET SOME OF THE COST. I am not fishing for freebies here. I just have always bought 90% of my stuff from super folks at C&D and am a bit curious about McClelland because the other 10% was all from the 'across the pond' series.
iaMkcK 07:35 PM 11-21-2012
Following this thread has made my urge to smoke Pipes increase greatly. I may just have to look around for some kind of starter kit. Sigh, I need a black card -- I don't want any spending limits. lol
RevSmoke 07:59 PM 11-21-2012
Originally Posted by hammondc:
Helluva haul!!!

I would be interested IF YOU WANTED TO OFFSET SOME OF THE COST. I am not fishing for freebies here. I just have always bought 90% of my stuff from super folks at C&D and am a bit curious about McClelland because the other 10% was all from the 'across the pond' series.
Love C&D tobaccos, the Tarlers are great folks and produce an incredible product.

I am not really looking to sell off any of what I just purchased. I like to cellar tobacco and so what I have of this left is put away to be opened later. I consider this an investment in future smoking pleasure. I like my Virginias and VaPers a bit aged. For example, my staple tobacco is G&H Louisiana Flake, and 500g I am finishing up now is from 2005. Next will be from 2009 and I just put up some 2012 stuff.

What I would have sent to Remo would have been a pipe, tamper, cleaners, and some small tobacco samples (probably not these) of stuff I have opened. I owe him a yet for the stupendous fishing trip he hosted for my boys and myself.

I would highly suggest going over to Pipes & Tobacco and check out their selection. Here is the link to the McClelland bulk page where I got this stuff.

If I might say, McClelland does flake and broken flake as well, if not better than the Lakeland boy. My favorite VaPer is G&H Louisiana Flake, and I have a soft spot for G&H Bright CR Flake and Bob's Chocolate Flake. I also have some Sam Gawith FVF and St. James Flake stashed. I keep some Rattrays around as well, Hal 'O the Wind, Old Gowrie, and Marlin Flake. A few tins of Escudo are always aging on the shelf. And some Dan Hamborger Veermaster is hiding out as well.

However, McClelland does Virginias like nobody else, and their broken flakes are outstanding. This is not to say they are necessarily better than the others mentioned, just different. There is something unique about them that is wonderful.

I'd say go order some to give it a try. Pipe & Cigar is a top notch, reputable dealer. Their prices are competative, and they have much more than just the McClelland stuff available.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
hammondc 11:12 PM 11-21-2012
Good advice! I have become more and more drawn to the pipe over the years. Most, because I have become bored with 45+ minute smoke. I can smoke a pipe in the 15-30 minutes while grilling or piddling in the garage. As I go, the rabbit hole gets deeper and deeper. Cigars were a learning curve, pipes are another whole world.
MarkinAZ 01:16 AM 11-22-2012
Originally Posted by RevSmoke:
My wife has always said I'm a bit flaky, well...
Congratulations on flaking out Todd. That's a nice looking sampler you put together:-)

Enjoy, but make sure MJ QC' it for you though:-)

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