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Sports>For all you Triangle team fans out there
DaBear 08:56 PM 10-25-2012

Yes, its SFW. And yes, its 100% true.
Starscream 09:00 PM 10-25-2012
Lol. Took me a minute to get it, but epic!

I don't have a favorite college team; I just root against UNC. As long as they lose, I'm happy. Can't stand their fanbase.
DaBear 09:04 PM 10-25-2012
Originally Posted by Starscream:
Lol. Took me a minute to get it, but epic!

I don't have a favorite college team; I just root against UNC. As long as they lose, I'm happy. Can't stand there fanbase.
I root for Carolina a few times a year. Whenever they play Maryland. There is no sports team I hate more than Maryland