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General Discussion>Smokers need not apply...
cjhalbrooks 07:29 PM 09-28-2012
Originally Posted by icehog3:
If you are referencing the organization that the O.P. is discussing, that is the Henry Ford Health System.
fail my bad
DPD6030 08:12 AM 09-29-2012
Originally Posted by icehog3:
My job prohibits tobacco use on duty. If they told me I couldn't smoke cigars off duty, I'd have an unpleasant retort.
Yes, I can imagine it this way, "Oh really? Here are my retirement papers". :-)
Subvet642 08:32 AM 09-29-2012
As I am a Pagan (Druid, to be precise), if they tried to do that to me I'd just tell them that it was part of my religious practice. It worked for my life insurance.
forgop 09:21 AM 09-29-2012
Their company-their rules. You are free to come and go as you please, so your attendance dictates you will comply with whatever policies they set forth as long as they are legal. They roll the dice that they'll still maintain the quality and quantity of employees to get the job done.
mosesbotbol 09:51 AM 09-29-2012
Originally Posted by forgop:
Their company-their rules. You are free to come and go as you please, so your attendance dictates you will comply with whatever policies they set forth as long as they are legal. They roll the dice that they'll still maintain the quality and quantity of employees to get the job done.

I won't work for an employer who dictates what I do & how I should live on my own time.
icehog3 12:19 PM 09-29-2012
Originally Posted by DPD6030:
Yes, I can imagine it this way, "Oh really? Here are my retirement papers". :-)
I'm lucky I can do that if I need too. :-)

Originally Posted by forgop:
Their company-their rules. You are free to come and go as you please, so your attendance dictates you will comply with whatever policies they set forth as long as they are legal. They roll the dice that they'll still maintain the quality and quantity of employees to get the job done.
As long as that's the deal going in. A little different if you have worked somewhere many years and they suddenly thrust this policy upon you.

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:

I won't work for an employer who dictates what I do & how I should live on my own time. long as it's legal, I will do what I want with my off time, and won't work for anyone who tells me to do differenly.
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