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General Discussion>Books on iPhone 4S
awsmith4 12:52 PM 09-26-2012
Originally Posted by Justinphilly:
Albert, it's been a long time my friend. Congrats on the Braves success this year. Anyway, I've tried reading on my iPhone/iPad, but just can't avoid a headache. I would love to do it, since it would enable me to read a lot more, but I can't ring myself to remember to take a book with me.
Its good to see you around too, Justin.

Try the inverted thing and see if white text on black background is easier on your eyes. The way its set up is you triple click the home button and it switches instantly back and forth.
CigarNut 01:08 PM 09-26-2012
Originally Posted by awsmith4:
Its good to see you around too, Justin.

Try the inverted thing and see if white text on black background is easier on your eyes. The way its set up is you triple click the home button and it switches instantly back and forth.
Thanks for the tip Albert! Be default Triple-Click-Home was turned off on my phone but simple to turn on under settings and set it to invert colors.
irratebass 01:17 PM 09-26-2012
Originally Posted by awsmith4:
I read on mine a good bit. Often in the field or anywhere I will read while waiting. One tip I had show to me was to invert the color in different lighting conditions to see white type on black background. It especially is easy on my eyes in dimmer conditions.

Settings > General > Accessibility > Triple Click > Invert Colors
Forget reading, just Inverting the colors is bada$$ enough....thanks :-)
jledou 01:40 PM 09-26-2012
Nook app also does a good job.
mithrilG60 07:33 PM 09-28-2012
I read several books on my iPhone as a test of whether or not I would enjoy reading electronically (I hate reading PDF's on screen at work) before buying an iPad. That was the better part of 2 years ago, and I haven't read a physical book since. I bought both my wife and I iPad 2's when they were released and then upgraded to the iPad 3 this year. We basically went through our bookcases, downloaded everything we wanted to keep and donated the physical books to charity. I can't imagine reading on a small screen like the iPhone but I also can't imagine reading on anything other than a tablet.

Besides, it saves the environment a wee bit :-) Instead of printing off all those several hundred page technical PDF's like I used to at work I just put them on the iPad instead...
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