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General Discussion>911 videos.
cjhalbrooks 01:58 PM 09-14-2012

Bewarned the next video is bad

These two videos where sent to me on FB. Late i know but i think we should remeber everyday not just one day a year.
icehog3 02:37 PM 09-14-2012
Thanks for sharing.

#2 was hard to deal with.
Remo 02:51 PM 09-14-2012
CigarSquid 02:54 PM 09-14-2012
cjhalbrooks 02:59 PM 09-14-2012
i am not going to lie i cried
N2 GOLD 03:05 PM 09-14-2012
Very explicit footage & bery hard to watch...
BHalbrooks 12:27 AM 09-15-2012
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Thanks for sharing.

#2 was hard to deal with.
I didn't watch the 1st. I started with the 2nd, and couldn't take another one. I've never heard anything so raw and sad. I'm speechless.
icehog3 02:45 AM 09-15-2012
Originally Posted by BHalbrooks:
I didn't watch the 1st. I started with the 2nd, and couldn't take another one. I've never heard anything so raw and sad. I'm speechless.
1st one is worth a watch, much more inspiring and upbeat by comparison.