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General Discussion>Just bought a 3-D TV
forgop 10:11 PM 09-10-2012
My nearly 5 year old 60" DLP went nearly pitch black over the weekend so I went and set out to buy a new one tonight. I had a bare bones Sharp LED 60" replacement in mind that was on sale that I went to a closer retailer to see if they'd price match it. He came back and offered an LG 3-D plasma smart tv with 2 pairs of glasses for the same price.

Sitting here watching Monday Night Football is awesome. The model I got was the LG 60PM6700 for $899 + tax.
BHalbrooks 11:05 PM 09-10-2012
Glasses like they'd be a pain in the ass.
T.G 11:39 PM 09-10-2012

Did it come with a Lowe's gift certificate?
mariogolbee 11:39 PM 09-10-2012
Originally Posted by BHalbrooks:
Glasses like they'd be a pain in the ass.
Depends on if it's active or passive. Hell, with passive 3D you can just get a little clip-on if you already wear prescription lenses. I have a friend with a passive 3D 50" and the little glasses are very comfortable.

Congrats on the new TV.:-)

Edit: Just did a search and it looks like active shutter glasses are required. The model for this TV look surprisingly less hindering than most I've seen, though. Cool...
irratebass 05:13 AM 09-11-2012
That's awesome Duane....nice price too!!

Do you have to always wear the glasses though? That's my concern.

But still congrats!
aich75013 09:06 AM 09-11-2012
Congrats on the purchase! Sounds like a great deal.

Was that the original bulb on your DLP?
Mine will be 5 years old at the end of November and it still has the original bulb.
I've been buying a few 3D Blu-Rays just in case my TV dies and I end up replacing it with a 3DTV.
Stephen 09:11 AM 09-11-2012
Personally, decided I'm going to skip the 3D fad. Next tv purchase I make will be for a 4k.
mosesbotbol 09:51 AM 09-11-2012
You can switch between 3D and regular. Regular, no glasses are needed. My friend has one and the 3D is more a novelty to him. I watched it for a few minutes for him to show it off. I bet most owners go back and forth on the 3D part of it.
jjirons69 10:14 AM 09-11-2012
Getting a new TV is really exciting!

We just replaced an old CRT in the bedroom with a 40" Vizio LCD and got the kids a 32" Samsung backlit LED for their room. I just mounted theirs last night. My 3-year old pride and joy TC-P58V10 Panny plasma still looms large in the living room and I wouldn't take anything for it. Got a good deal on the Vizio and Samsung as my friend runs a resale/overrun store for the big box stores. Picked up a Sony BR player with full connectivity for a sweet $50, too. There are deals out there and you have to be willing to search them out.

Enjoy the new screen!!! You'll have many hours of enjoyment.

Also, not a big 3D fan here. You know - old dog, new tricks kind of thing.
CRIMPS 01:56 PM 09-11-2012
I have a similar model as you. I think you will probably lose interest in the 3D stuff. Pretty useless, IMHO.

However, the smart TV stuff is cool as hell and we use it all the time. Check out Amazon prime. There are a lot of free movies, tv shows and they are adding all the time.

There are other options as well, such as Netflix, Youtube, other movie stuff, etc.
357 02:09 PM 09-11-2012
I saw an ad for that LG TV. Sounds like a great price. Let us know what you think and update this over time.
oooo35980 12:35 AM 09-13-2012
Is it better than the 3d in theaters? I avoid 3d movies because they look all wobbly and give me a headache. Home 3d tvs would have to be a lot different than theaters for me to be able to watch it.