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Sports>Bengals fans?
Brian D. 10:46 AM 09-10-2012
No, I'm certainly not one. I know that some of my fellow CincyTucky area herfers follow the team's ups and downs, thought I'd start a thread before the first game got underway, when confidence/bluster levels are high.
elderboy02 11:12 AM 09-10-2012
Brian, here is the Bengals thread:

Bengals = Super Bowl!
14holestogie 11:15 AM 09-10-2012
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
Bengals = Super Bowl!
Are they working the concessions this year, Dan? :-)
Bigsam 11:25 AM 09-10-2012
Well I'm a Browns fan unfortunatly man we suck. Anyway I for one will be rooting for the Bengals tonite I like there coach a lot. Not much to root for here man we suck. Trying to figure put what smoke to go with watching the game and love the fact that its on at 7. We play you guys next week I will bet a cigar that we lose?Well I'm a Browns fan unfortunately man we suck. Anyway I for one will be rooting for the Bengal's tonite I like there coach a lot. Not much to root for here man we suck. Trying to figure put what smoke to go with watching the game and love the fact that its on at 7. We play you guys next week I will bet a cigar that we lose?