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General Discussion>A return to the nut house!
Mikepd 01:30 PM 07-21-2012
What a surprise it was to see last week that it had been eleven months since my last visit here and how nice it was to be among friends again. About a year ago I came beck after a hiatus and thought I would be able to contribute regularly again as I was getting back on my feet after a year out of work and back in school. Well that did not last long as school started again and a new transition happened as I moved into an apartment to focus on school, while picking up a laboratory assistants position at school to defray some expenses.
Well classes have been on going and I have since moved back home and am focusing now on school with an expected graduation date for my bachelors of May 2013. While that may seem trivial to some, it has been a long time coming with many detours along the way, but I am now more excited than ever to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

For those who have reached out over the past year to make sure my health and my families health have been good, I am greatly appreciative of your caring gestures.

I have improved on my sleeping issues and overall my health is great, dare I say 100% better than a year ago.
My mother and aunt both have had their cancer surgeries and as of now they have been labeled "cancer free".
My grandmother is improving every week from where she was at two years ago, and we have recently received approval for full time aides to assist in the house everyday for her, which has given my mother quite the relief from being her primary care taker.

To those who have taken the time to read through to here, thank you, whether you have been friends of mine previously or a stranger just interested in what I have had to say, I look forward to the future and getting to spend some time with everyone here and getting to enjoy the friendships new and old.

md4958 02:03 PM 07-21-2012
Holy blast from the past!

Glad to hear everything is going well Mike. :-)
Ogre 02:09 PM 07-21-2012
Welcome Home Brother. Glad to hear everything is working out for you.
icehog3 02:15 PM 07-21-2012
Great to see you back in the Asylum, Mike. :-)
RHNewfie 02:52 PM 07-21-2012
Great to see you around!
Chainsaw13 03:02 PM 07-21-2012
Welcome back Mike!
N2 GOLD 03:34 PM 07-21-2012
Welcome back, light one up... :-)
kelmac07 06:41 PM 07-21-2012
Welcome back to the MADHOUSE!!
363 07:05 PM 07-21-2012
Hey, Welcome back!
Angry_Pirate 07:17 PM 07-21-2012
Welcome back!!
G G 07:18 PM 07-21-2012
Good to hear Mike.