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Jokes>Senior Pranks
DaBear 10:44 AM 06-12-2012
Since senior pranks always tend to be fun stories, lets have a senior prank thread.

I'll start:

The video explains it much better than my words could. We spent about 6 months planning and 'fundraising' for the prank. As a side note, the school was not damaged in any way shape or form and we bought the car ourselves.
MajorCaptSilly 11:52 AM 06-12-2012
My senior prank started my freshman year in 1978 and ended with me getting my diploma in 1982.

14holestogie 12:26 PM 06-12-2012
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
My senior prank started my freshman year in 1978 and ended with me getting my diploma in 1982.

I am pleased you chose not to post the video. My boss would probably not be happy if I spent the next 4 years watching it. :-)
Silound 12:32 PM 06-12-2012
We did that when I was a senior. Took the tires off, left it on blocks with the keys and tires locked inside.

Also welded the teacher's parking lot gate closed with some heavy gauge wire (easy for a set of bolt cutters to cut the wire and allow the gates to open). Stuck over 100,000 forks into the football field in the shape of our year. Cling-wrapped the entire covered breezeway areas with a big roll of that clear pallet wrap so people were forced through a maze to get to the buildings. Moved all the desks out of 4 classrooms and turned the rooms into huge Rub Goldberg contraptions that eventually ended with a big banner dropping announcing the seniors our year were the best, etc etc.

The Rub Goldbergs actually were re-assembled at the request of the principle in the gym as something to show visiting school board officials the next week. Guess they had to prove we were learning something :-)
dave 01:01 PM 06-12-2012
Don't remember what, if anything, my class did. But, when I was a freshman or sophomore, the seniors suspended a VW Bug from the rafters over the (indoor) swimming pool. Quite impressive.
DaBear 01:36 PM 06-12-2012
We originally planned to take the tires off, but because of time constraints with the alarm system(even when you entered the codes the cops still showed, proven every morning with the janitors opening the building) we didn't have time to do so. We were just gonna hide them in various places; ie mixed in with the tire weights in the lifting room, taped to a teacher's board who didn't think we were gonna do anything for a prank, etc. Unfortunately we only had a 5-10 minute window to get the car into the school and get the hell out after we opened the door. We had people working security sitting in their cars to tell us if and when they saw a cop head towards the school. Stupid modern security systems.
yourchoice 02:20 PM 06-12-2012
I thought this thread was going to be about picking on old people! :-)
Silound 04:01 PM 06-12-2012
Originally Posted by yourchoice:
I thought this thread was going to be about picking on old people! :-)
Well, it might be. Depends (no pun intended) on if you can remember your senior prank or not :-)
smitty81 04:35 PM 06-12-2012
We were threatened that our diplomas would not be signed if anything happened. People just cant handle a joke now days.
T.G 05:31 PM 06-12-2012
I thought this senior prank was pretty damn funny.
markem 05:32 PM 06-12-2012
disassembled and reassembled the vice-principal's car in his office. No one liked him.
Emjaysmash 07:21 PM 06-12-2012
We didn't do anything cool. Some of the kids called the news stations as the Principal and told them school was cancelled due to a burst pipe. Half the school didn't show up that day.