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All Cigar Discussion>The Origin of the Cigar Store Indian
Starscream 09:32 AM 12-05-2008
The origin of the wooden Indian statue in cigars stores originated shortly after the arrival of the Jamestown colonists in Virginia. Jamestown, settled in 1610, was the first English tobacco plantation in Virginia. The first cigar Indian statue dates back to 1617 and was then known as Virginie Men. These “Virginie Men” were placed on store countertops and represented different tobacco companies. Rather than Indians, the original wooden statues were depictions of black men wearing headdresses and kilts of tobacco.

Later on, these wooden figures were prominently seen attached to the front of sailing vessels which transported tobacco from the New World to Europe. These figures were mostly life-sized forms carved by expert woodcraftsmen as payment for the voyage to the New World.

By the early 19th century, sailing ships were becoming obsolete as steamships were becoming the prominent form of transportation from Europe to America. Woodcraftsmen who were carving the Indian figures for ships were now carving Indian statues for local merchants in Eastern and Mid-Western cities. Most men who carved these Indian statues more than likely had never even seen an actual American Indian, resulting in statues that resembled white men in native clothing.

Craftsmen had strong competition and rivalry in Cigar Store Indian sales. This competition resulted in many varying types and styles of Indian statues. They were designed to both capture the attention of potential customers passing by and to inform that tobacco was sold inside that establishment.

Although English was the predominant language spoken in America in the 19th century, America was also known as the melting pot of society. Many immigrants did not speak English, and the Indian statue was a visual marketing tool; it was the universal advertisement that informed all peoples that tobacco was sold wherever the statue was seen.

Production of the cigar store Indian came almost completely to a halt during the first World War. The 1910 sidewalk obstruction laws required that the cigar store Indians be removed from sidewalks and brought indoors. Few original cigar store Indians remain as a direct result of both the sidewalk obstruction laws and the Great Depression. As hard times were widespread in the 1930s, most of the original cigar store Indians were chopped and used as firewood.

While doing a little research on cigar history, I came across a commercial website that sells cigar store Indians. I thought that this information was both informative and interesting. I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated w/ this site, I am merely posting a link to the site as documentation for the source of my above article.
Skywalker 04:18 PM 12-05-2008
Great and educational article Andy!!!

Thanks for the history lesson!!!

sofaman 06:12 PM 12-05-2008
Very interesting thanks for sharing this with us :-)
bigloo 06:17 PM 12-05-2008
Awesome work!
elderboy02 06:30 PM 12-05-2008
Thank you for the article sir!
Bubba - NJ 06:42 PM 12-05-2008
Nice thread and a great read ! Thank you sir . :-)
Waynegro1 06:47 PM 12-05-2008
Very good article. While I've seen the cigar store Indian many times I've never looked up where it started or originated. I've speculated many times, but never took the time to research.
Thanks for the info!!:-)
Don Fernando 02:29 AM 12-06-2008
Cool. It would make a great accessory for each mancave.
alley00p 03:08 AM 12-06-2008
Thanks for posting this informative article! :-)

I also have wondered in the past how and why the cigar store indian had come into being. My uninformed guess was as a visual advertsing tool.

I love the many and varied pieces of information that get posted on this site, along with the standard herf and B&M banter among friends!. :-)

Thanks again!

FrequenC 08:33 AM 12-06-2008
Thanks for the great read! :-)
rsamos 09:06 AM 12-06-2008
That' interesting stuff. Thanks much for sharing that article.
CBI_2 09:16 AM 12-06-2008
Great info. Thanks
DrDubzz 12:48 PM 12-06-2008
meanwhile, the Indian you may see when you go to an Appplebee's is named Pocahostess

(I have no information as to why they're there though)
Good_Stogies_Mon 10:30 PM 12-06-2008
Great info indeed, thanks for sharing!