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General Discussion>What a mom!
Steve 07:58 PM 06-01-2012
No greater love have a mom for her child than...

My daughter had worked out this "great" plan to prank her youth pasture's house tonight before he and his family came home tomorrow from vacation. Supplies were purchased, diagrams drawn, etc. Then all of her friends bowed out at the last minute. my wife and one of her girlfriends are pranking his place with her :-)

I wonder how much bail will be for two adults and a juvi...:-)

Actually, it's a pretty good prank. No TP, vasaline, etc. like our kids did to us. My daughter went to the dollar store and stocked up on a bunch of packs of playing cards to stick in his yard and on his deck, porch and windows, etc.

Creative :-)
kelmac07 07:59 PM 06-01-2012
Way to go Holly!! :-) :-)
Ogre 08:17 PM 06-01-2012
Now that is cool. Would bump rep if she were here!!!!
CRIMPS 10:20 AM 06-02-2012
Sounds like fun. Very cool!
CigarNut 10:26 AM 06-02-2012
Let's us know how it all turns out :-)
area51 10:27 AM 06-02-2012
Post pics when it is all done.
G G 10:29 AM 06-02-2012
awesome, good talking to you last night by the way.
T.G 11:37 AM 06-02-2012
Youtube or it didn't happen.
Bikenic 06:24 PM 06-02-2012
LOL! Nice!

Mikey was about 13 or 14 when he and a couple of his buddies decided to TP a few of their friends in the neighborhoods houses one Halloween. The plan was to cover for themselves by doing our house too. Then the brainiacs get the bright idea to throw the evidence in the back of my truck parked out front. :-)

I just played along, got them to clean up my yard and wash my truck to boot. :-)
Big Bert 06:44 PM 06-02-2012
haha sounds fun i request for pics :-)
MrClean 07:58 PM 06-02-2012
We all know where she got the ornery from.