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General Discussion>Guitar Center help needed
pektel 06:44 PM 05-29-2012
Originally Posted by BC-Axeman:
You can't make the music any better with software than what you recorded. I would at least plug into something more like this:
Thanks! I have NO clue when it comes to the software. I agree that you can't make the music any better than what you recorded. But I bet you could make it worse by using crappy software.

Probably pick that up soon. Gotta check to see if the laptop from Bill has the minimum requirements for it.
Pseudosacred 07:02 PM 05-29-2012
Actually, with protools, if you have a fuzzy or slightly buzzy track, you can clear it up. Sure, it takes an hour or so works.

Before I had money, I used to use a mic from Rockband infront of my amp, with a cloth over it. Put it into protools and clean it up for a few hours...made it real nice. Wish I still had the tracks so I could show you, but they're long gone.

The worst thing about recording software, is sometimes you put a direct line in to what you're recording into and you can't hear your tone (this is irrelevant with acoustics and such). So, I used to the do amp>mic>pc route, untill I could afford a nice interface.

It really depends on what you're recording.
pektel 07:29 PM 05-29-2012
It would only be acoustic and vocals.

I've never recorded anything before, but have sang plenty at smaller gatherings, holiday parties, etc. I'm getting excited to be able to layer a few tracks on top of each other, as it always seems I'm the only guitar lately, so it sucks to try to play a solo, and not have the listeners get "lost."

Just signed up for an account at to lurk around.

I should've never bought stuff yesterday. Now, GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) is setting in. Thinking about putting in a call to Lloyd LaPlant. He makes beautiful acoustic instruments, and lives about 10 miles away from me. I might go to his shop and visit with him. I guess he has a stack of old red (Adirondack) spruce (like the old pre-war Martin's).
BC-Axeman 07:43 PM 05-29-2012
I was just talking about the dynamic range and frequency response, bit rate, noise floor and stuff like that. You can't add dynamic range back in. You can't add the bits from a 44 kHz into a 96 kHz recording. But you do loose stuff every time you do some changing of the sound, even if it's only a little. Better to start out with the best you can so you get a bit more room to play with it before you master it down to CD quality.
pektel 08:45 PM 05-29-2012
Originally Posted by BC-Axeman:
I was just talking about the dynamic range and frequency response, bit rate, noise floor and stuff like that. You can't add dynamic range back in. You can't add the bits from a 44 kHz into a 96 kHz recording. But you do loose stuff every time you do some changing of the sound, even if it's only a little. Better to start out with the best you can so you get a bit more room to play with it before you master it down to CD quality.
I was wondering about that, actually. I've only paid attention to that stuff when uploading songs to iTunes. Good call.

Damnit. All this is cutting into my cigar budget lol.
Pseudosacred 09:34 PM 05-29-2012
Oh, don't get me started about gas. So many custom guitars, so little :-) Although, I didget my hands on a BlackMachine custom and he's getting out of customs, so in a year or two, Ill sell her and get myself 2 new ones. (my model ran me 2k and I waited 7 months.) When he goes out and stops, the value of it will, almost definitely, skyrocket
area51 10:39 PM 05-29-2012
This thread is very relevant to my interests.
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