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Jokes>From the local paper
markem 01:37 PM 05-22-2012
We have a punny article in the newspaper each day that runs on the edge of one page, hence the name, "The Edge". Here is todays:

Every once in a while, we like to tie the Edge to some historical activity that occurred on the date the column appears. We do this to educate you, our dear reader(s), and because it beats the pants off having to actually come up with an idea after a big night of Angry Birds.

As it turns out, May 22 is a day rich with historical significance, from the Peace of Goulet (which could have led to an Edge about Robert Goulet, or even Will Ferrell's impersonation of Robert Goulet, or even the best of the "Naked Gun" movie he appeared in), to the Wright brothers getting a patent for their flying machine (the third brother, Steven, is always a great source for an Edge).

Or, perhaps, the birth in 1859 of Sir (well, not at the time of his birth) Arthur Conan Doyle, who wrote all those Sherlock Holmes stories (like "The Hound of the Basketballs," although we might be off a bit on the title).

But nothing May 22ish can top the last time Johnny Carson hosted "The Tonight Show," which happened 20 years ago today.

So, to honor that occasion, here are some of our favorite "Carnac" bits. For those too young to know the routine, Carson played a mind reader/fortune teller/charlatan who would hold an envelope up to his head, give his answer, then read the question inside.

Answer: Sis Boom Bah.

Question: What sound does a sheep make when it explodes?
Answer: A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou.

Question: Name three things that have yeast.
Answer: A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

Question: What were some of the earlier forms of Preparation H?
Answer: Zeppo Marx.

Question: What do you get when something gets caught in your Zeppo?
Answer: Kitchy-kitchy-koo.

Question: What do you call a military coup led by General Kitchy Kitchy?
Answer: Catch-22.

Question: What do the Los Angeles Dodgers do with 100 pop flies?
Answer: A triple and a double, catcher's and fielder's, and Dolly Parton.

Question: Name two big hits, two big mitts ... and a famous country singer!
Answer: Shoo-be-doo-be-doo.

Question: What do you look for when you're tracking a shoo-be-doo-be?
Answer: Do-whacka-do.

Question: What do you look for when you're hunting do-whackas?
Answer: Dippity-do.

Question: What collects on your dippity in the morning?
SmokeyJoe 01:43 PM 05-22-2012
Thanks for sharing these classic laughs... I was a fan of Johnny Carson. Since he left "The Tonight Show" over two decades ago, that dates me a bit.
