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Jokes>THe Cross-Eyed Rottweiler...
Steve 11:06 AM 04-19-2012
A man takes his Rottweiler to the vet. "My dog is cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him?"

"Well," said the vet, "let's have a look at him". So he picks the dog up and examines his eyes, then he checks his teeth. Finally, the vet says, "I'm going to have to put him down."

"What? Because he's cross-eyed?"
Wait for it...
"No, because he's really heavy".


Come on Larry, you know you chuckled! :-)
Taki 11:53 AM 04-19-2012
Not thumb up!! :-)
Ogre 12:18 PM 04-19-2012
Perfect example of a STEVE JOKE!!!! Good one brother.