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General Discussion>pic i just tuck outside my house SNOWWWWW YAY
mikeandshellie2 07:50 PM 12-04-2008
We hardly get snow here but I hate it when we do.. I like snow, just not how the silly people here react to it. The town shuts down and you would think it was a blizzard coming.
str8edg 08:56 PM 12-04-2008
We have had snow up here since early September.... I am sick of it by now!! :-)
kgoings 08:59 PM 12-04-2008
I grew up in Nebraska...HATING snow! Just in the past 5 years I have been introduced to Snow Skiing ..... we don't get ANY snow where I live..Phx AZ, but Northern AZ gets snow...and surprisingly enough it has some good skiing...I can't WAIT till the skiing season! :-):-):-):-):-):-)
Starscream 09:06 PM 12-04-2008
Originally Posted by mikeandshellie2:
We hardly get snow here but I hate it when we do.. I like snow, just not how the silly people here react to it. The town shuts down and you would think it was a blizzard coming.
Town shuts down here with a light dusting. 1" or less will close school. I wish it would snow a big one here this year.
dannyboy 01:09 PM 12-05-2008
Originally Posted by s0leful0ne:
i have no snow...only bikinis in winter
:-) Its getting cold here though...all the way down to the low 80s some days.
Don Fernando 02:03 PM 12-05-2008
Originally Posted by dannyboy:
:-) Its getting cold here though...all the way down to the low 80s some days.
somebody better bomb you some gloves then buddy
Mugen910 02:26 PM 12-05-2008
Originally Posted by dannyboy:
:-) Its getting cold here though...all the way down to the low 80s some days.

And here I was gonna say it's an awesome day in New England...high 40's and sunny! :-)
Steve 05:08 PM 12-05-2008
Originally Posted by adampc22:
Attachment 912

Attachment 913

i fecking love snow

I think I'll go with the bikini's!

Originally Posted by s0leful0ne:
i have no snow...only bikinis in winter

lenguamor 09:35 PM 12-07-2008
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Town shuts down here with a light dusting. 1" or less will close school. I wish it would snow a big one here this year.
Same here.

I was surprised my first Winter here at how woefully unprepared Seattle is for snow; just a couple of inches and the (articulated) buses can't manage the hills and jam up the streets.

That, plus I think the city has like 3 snowplows for the entire municipality. :-)
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