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General Discussion>Wetshavers: Soaps -vs- Creams
RevSmoke 03:04 PM 03-24-2012
A couple questions here. First, do you prefer soaps or creams or like them both? Why?

Then, list your favorite soaps and/or creams.

Personally, I like some of each, not really having a preference. If I am in a hurry, I may reach for a cream because of ease of lather. And while I do have certain ones that I would call favorites, I do like everything in the cupboard at this time. The one I really didn't like, I have already gotten rid of. At this point, I'm still experimenting, but a couple stand out above the rest at this point.

My Favorites at that point are:
Soaps: MWF, Arko, Mama Bear Grapefruit Ice
Creams: Proraso, Razorock Cacao

Peace of the Lord be with you.
RevSmoke 04:39 PM 03-24-2012
Wow, thought a few of the wetshavers would respond to this thread.
hotreds 04:40 PM 03-24-2012
I prefer soaps- seem to lather better. I do not have a fav at this time, however.
MurphysLaw 04:45 PM 03-24-2012
I like cream better than soap, much easier for me to get a good lather. I'm really liking the AOS Ocean Kelp right now.
VirtualSmitty 06:19 PM 03-24-2012
Soaps by a long shot. MWF, MdC, Razorock, and Williams are what I reach for the most.
Zeuceone 07:27 PM 03-24-2012
I like creams. It is easier to swicg between them without have various mugs to lather up.
Commander Quan 09:22 PM 03-24-2012
I think with creams it's generally easier to get good later with most types of water. Soaps are difficult to get a descent lather with hard water.
RevSmoke 10:23 PM 03-24-2012
Originally Posted by Commander Quan:
I think with creams it's generally easier to get good later with most types of water. Soaps are difficult to get a descent lather with hard water.
I have very hard water and get great lathers with both MWF, Arko, Ogalla, Mama Bear, Tabac, and Colonel Conks. Just take the time to build up soap on the brush first - a good minute seems to do the trick for me.

I do like the creams though. I think tomorrow is a Cella morning. Or maybe Speick.
TheTraveler 10:38 PM 03-24-2012
For the past year I've only used Col Conk's "Amber" soap and I'm pleased with it. :-)
Commander Quan 03:35 AM 03-25-2012
If you can get good lather with hard water more power to you, I know I couldn't, although my water was almost unusable at 29 grains/gallon.
JenksAnejo 08:37 AM 03-25-2012
I really wish I enjoyed shaving like you all do! I dread it everytime.. Maybe I should try switching from my gilette Mach 3 with the gel! I need to try some of these reccomendations.
hotreds 01:05 PM 03-25-2012
Originally Posted by JenksAnejo:
I really wish I enjoyed shaving like you all do! I dread it everytime.. Maybe I should try switching from my gilette Mach 3 with the gel! I need to try some of these reccomendations.
RevSmoke 05:44 PM 03-25-2012
Originally Posted by JenksAnejo:
I really wish I enjoyed shaving like you all do! I dread it everytime.. Maybe I should try switching from my gilette Mach 3 with the gel! I need to try some of these reccomendations.
Mach3 is what I was using when I switched. I always had ingrown hairs beneath my chin, and the irritations I endured when I shaved each time were nasty - some were because I sliced off ingrown hair bumps.

The Mach3 was a large part of the problem - in fact I believe it was the cause of the ingrowns. I also believe that the Mach3 was also a part of my irritation problem which had nothing to do with the ingrowns. How? As I would press hard to get it to work properly - and I didn't want to trade out the blades when I should because I wanted to get the most possible mileage out of them.

I haven't had an ingown hair since I started wetshaving. I had some irritation early on, but that stopped as I learned to keep the proper angle, and not to press down to hard,

I cannot suggest enough that you get yourself a beginning kit and head in this direction.

Peace of the Lord be with you.