markem 10:13 AM 02-26-2012
Currently, my iTunes library is on my laptop. However, I bought a nice 2 TB raid server yesterday (iomega) and it has an area that can look like a mudic/media server. Does anyone have a pointer to, or the instructions for, moving the iTunes library to a shared server for access by multiple computers?
Silound 11:19 AM 02-26-2012
I'm no fan of iTunes, so I'm a little rusty on the latest cans and cants, but...
If your music is not digitally protected and in a generic format (ie, you didn't buy it from iTunes and the file is an mp3) , you could just copy the files directly over to the new server, and thus point iTunes on each computer to look into that directory for files. Things you bought via iTunes may not be sharable because of the DRM, so as far as I know the only way to get around that is to burn them to a CD and use some other software like WMP to rip mp3's back off the CD.
Sorry I can't be much more of a help on that.
BHalbrooks 06:31 PM 02-26-2012
My only idea is maybe going to an Apple Store, and using their Genius bar?
I'm sorry, I suck with iTunes too
ninjavanish 09:47 PM 02-26-2012
2 terabytes!!!? Why not just copy your entire hard drive? Sheesh.
You can tell iTunes where to look for its library. So you could merely copy that folder to a new location then designate it as your library under preferences.
markem 11:27 AM 02-27-2012
Originally Posted by ninjavanish:
You can tell iTunes where to look for its library. So you could merely copy that folder to a new location then designate it as your library under preferences.
This was what I needed. I verified it by going to the iTunes folder and renaming the iTunes Media folder once the 55GB of music was copied. I am able to reach it from the computers as well.
ninjavanish 02:21 PM 02-27-2012
Originally Posted by markem:
This was what I needed. I verified it by going to the iTunes folder and renaming the iTunes Media folder once the 55GB of music was copied. I am able to reach it from the computers as well.
Glad I could help.
Now what to do with the other 1.945TB? Haha
markem 03:18 PM 02-27-2012
Originally Posted by ninjavanish:
Now what to do with the other 1.945TB? Haha
archives of client data for at least 1.1TB