Reaver2145 10:48 AM 02-23-2012
Im going to keep this quick because im sick and tired of babysitting this thing.
This has amazing flavours if you like a rich tobacco taste with pepper and earthyness and just a hint of sweetness this is a cigar for you BUT i hope you have a powerful lighter as the H200 wrapper used in this just refuses of burn evenly EVER so your going to be babysitting the burn very regularly.
And ontop of the wrapper problems my one has a tunnel running down one side so there is much MUCH EMORAGE coming from me right now.
Will upload photos later but the second photo shows 10 mins after a touchup and ive already got 1/2inch difference on one side
Reaver2145 11:11 AM 02-23-2012
Strange i cant edit my own post.
Still i threw it with a good 3 inches left as in the last inch the binder and filler burned fine but the wrapper not at all so i was left with a hollow cone of wrapper.
The flavours are magnificent but the wrapper is a disgrace a total disgrace.
lenguamor 11:53 AM 02-23-2012
It's a damned shame you got a bad stick, Simon. I haven't had one of these in a while, but the ones I had I thoroughly enjoyed; tasty, no one flavor over the top of the others, just a well- balanced cigar.
I hope you'll give it another shot.
Reaver2145 12:16 PM 02-23-2012
Oh ive got a few more coming soon (hopefully) ill just need to find a time where im baked out of my skull so i dont get frustrated with them.
BeerAdvocate 02:15 PM 02-23-2012
I love the Exodus Silver with a year or two of age. I have a bunch buried in the bottom of my cooler
TJtorpedo 07:28 PM 02-23-2012
Don't give up on them, hopefully you just got a bad one. I used to smoke a bunch of these a few years ago, and they never disappointed me.
timj219 12:06 PM 02-27-2012
I've got to to agree with the others. I've probably smoked 15-20 of these and I don't remember any of them behaving badly like that. Hope you have better luck on the next one.
44stampede 07:54 PM 02-28-2012
I agree with BeerAdvocate. I enjoy the silver. Actually quite a bit more than the gold. Give that one a shot. On the flip side, I can send over a few to you of the gold if you want. Let me know.