I have read A LOT about how to clean out the new Wineador smell. Seems everyone has their own method that includes washing, baking soda, sitting in the sun, flooding the unit... ect...
Well, I just ordered my drawers finally so I decided I better get to it, first thing I did was open the door and place a tower fan in front of the door blowing air directly into the thing. I just turned the fan off an hour ago, it was only blowing for about 12 hours on it's lowest setting overnight. Smell is gone... no trace of it at all. I hadn't seen anyone say they had tried just blowing the smell out so I figured I would try it.
I just placed a dish with baking soda in there just to be sure over the next few days (I have the spare time still lol) but I have literally stuck my nose against the racks and sidewalls trying to get a hint of the smell and it's totally gone.
I can't believe it was THAT easy.