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All Cigar Discussion>Dissappointing smoke.
Fia 02:41 AM 02-19-2012
Originally Posted by oooo35980:
They said they stopped carrying them because they were a tough sell :-) R. Fields has some in sampler packs, but no singles or boxes. Guess I'll have to get them online with next paycheck's cigar allotment :-). They were my absolute favorite until I picked up an Undercrown from Tamuras.
Be on the lookout for the Undercrown Corona Viva in the next month or two. Best one in the line IMO. :-)
cigarmonkel 10:31 AM 02-19-2012
Originally Posted by Skywalker:
That whole idea of the wife choosing and cutting a cigar... Hot!!!

Makes me think dirty thoughts! I think being blindfolded might enhance the experience!

:-) too far? I bought a box of pan 64's about 3 or 4 years ago and there were a couple in there that i tossed at about the half way mark. The others though... well i'll let you discover the awesomeness when you get scott's "newsletter"
Boz 08:40 PM 02-19-2012
Originally Posted by shilala:
No you don't, Isaiah. PM me your address, I'll help you out.
One of my greatest joys are PAM maduros, they're incredibly good and incredibly consistant. I'll see to it that you get a good one (or two).
Then if you don't like them, you'll know you just don't like them. :-)
I think I might just have an Illusione maduro, too.
Originally Posted by shilala:
Isaiah took me up on my offer. I'll be getting his newsletter out to him asap. :-)
Well done Scott :-)
oooo35980 08:38 PM 02-28-2012
Thanks to Scott, I can now say with 100% certainty that it was just one crappy dried out stick, and not that I don't like Padron. TY Scott
Enphrared 12:01 PM 02-29-2012
That is a very cool idea with the wife handin you a blind stick. It's funny you mentioned the bum being a Padron 1964 Aniv because about a month ago I bought one at the local b&m and it wasn't all that great. They're one of my favorite smokes, and I don't smoke them that often. Before last month I haven't had one since last spring and it was a dandy of stick. But, man have they fallen off the wagon or did I get a bum stick this time around?
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