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General Discussion>Win 8 beta on it's way
backwoods357 12:31 AM 01-31-2012

From what I read they have put some more polish on the metro interface. Should be publicly available in Feb, I think I'll give it a run on the spare lappy. Really starting to wish I had a x86 tablet sitting around.
deadrise 12:36 AM 01-31-2012
Originally Posted by backwoods357:

From what I read they have put some more polish on the metro interface. Should be publicly available in Feb, I think I'll give it a run on the spare lappy. Really starting to wish I had a x86 tablet sitting around.
me too I stopped playing with it because it really needs a tablet to get the full use thanks for the heads up :-):-):-)
backwoods357 03:08 PM 06-10-2012
Figured I would update this in case anyone hadn't heard. The final preview before RTM (release to manufacturing) was dropped a while back.