maninblack 12:48 PM 01-24-2012
I meant to put this on Saturday but time got away from me. Even though he's a ghost on here, Happy birthday brother. Come back and see us. Team Death misses its leader.
Blak Smyth 01:03 PM 01-24-2012
Happy B-Day from the undead to the dead!
longknocker 01:09 PM 01-24-2012
Originally Posted by maninblack:
I meant to put this on Saturday but time got away from me. Even though he's a ghost on here, Happy birthday brother. Come back and see us. Team Death misses its leader.
:-) Happy Birthday, Brother!
CigarNut 01:23 PM 01-24-2012
icehog3 01:52 PM 01-24-2012
Hope it was a stellar Birthday, Chingas!