jdakine 05:44 PM 01-17-2012
Well sitting at Casa Fuente on my B-Day smoking a Opus keeper of the Flame. The new blend is a very nice smoke. Not as in your face as regular Opus with a nice balance of flavor. Not as much pepper, but a nice flavor profile.
Rich and smooth, however we all know the Las Vegas Casa prices are not in line with what most should find outside of Vegas.
Garbandz 05:52 PM 01-17-2012
Love me some well sitting,I really never get enough......
ZachF88 07:53 PM 01-17-2012
Will have to try!
Garbandz - I love your avatar! haha
BnBTobacco 08:47 PM 01-17-2012
Happy Birthday brother...thanks for sharing, Ill have to try and find one
44stampede 10:11 PM 01-17-2012
Getting a few Opus soon. Can't wait. Thanks for sharing.
ApexAZ 10:53 PM 01-17-2012
Originally Posted by jdakine:
Well sitting at Casa Fuente on my B-Day smoking a Opus keeper of the Flame. The new blend is a very nice smoke. Not as in your face as regular Opus with a nice balance of flavor. Not as much pepper, but a nice flavor profile.
Rich and smooth, however we all know the Las Vegas Casa prices are not in line with what most should find outside of Vegas.
How much are they? I'd like to try and I'll be in Vegas in April for my wedding. I'll probably pick up a few cigars to smoke on my wedding day.
HollywoodQue 05:32 AM 01-18-2012
jdakine 02:53 PM 01-18-2012
Keeper of the Flame was $38 a stick.
smokinpeace 04:04 PM 01-18-2012
Wow, "only" $23 above retail.
schollianmj 04:39 PM 01-18-2012
38 a stick? ill take a few fivers.
whodeeni 04:58 PM 01-18-2012
Originally Posted by schollianmj:
38 a stick? ill take a few fivers.
You mean
just $38 a stick right Mike?
jdakine 05:13 PM 01-19-2012
I call it double taxation, I get to pay way over retail while my wife goes shopping in the Forum Shops. My happy wife is a happy life :-)