CigarSquid 09:11 AM 01-04-2012
Does only certain walmarts carry these? I find them to work great and would like to get a few more. I can't seem to find them anywhere in my local walmart.
replicant_argent 09:15 AM 01-04-2012
CigarSquid 09:33 AM 01-04-2012
No CVS here yet where I am. Rite Aid is here.
I will have to check them out.
shopkins82 08:05 PM 02-18-2012
I haven't found ANY at Wal-Mart around Metro Atlanta, but Walgreens seems to have them consistently, and in all the colors/styles except the nice art deco model (not the stripes and rectangle version which is easy to find). $4.50 each... Not as cheap as Wal-Mart, but it's still less than $5.
cjhalbrooks 08:08 PM 02-18-2012
have you tried Walmart online. I haven't but just a thought
dwoodward 08:46 PM 02-18-2012
I heard it was a regional thing. But this isn't true at all, it turns out all walmarts carry them, just supplies are limited and usually the walmart will only get an order of them once or twice a year.
I got mine on ebay... got them in a lot of 12 for only 44 dollars shipped.
Blak Smyth 08:49 PM 02-18-2012
I checked about ten different places around me and finally found them at a CVS about 40 minutes away.
irratebass 09:10 PM 02-18-2012
I was in Walgreens today and seen they had them.
CigarSquid 03:00 PM 02-19-2012
I'm going to check Walgreens.
falconman515 11:50 PM 02-19-2012
I live in CA ... and these seem to extinct around here anymore!
I can't find em at all and I was told at Walmart and CVS etc. that they carried them up until about a year ago and they we're phased out due to them not selling.
These are pretty much gonna become hard to find anywhere soon ... they are suppose to be phasing them out of all stores from I was told.
eBay is where I will go if I ever need any ... though they are marked up on eBay since they are now harder to find.
I have 4 (bought one on eBay and 3 we're gifted to me
:-) )
I'm set for a while ... but I sure wish I could find em here locally for the 3 bucks price they went for so I can buy a handful to give as gifts in trades like others have done for me.