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Jokes>Before and after Marriage
cmitch 10:20 AM 12-28-2011

There are two times when a man doesn’t understand a woman – before marriage and after marriage. However, man, still desperate to get into the “cage” even after advices from those inside who want to get out desperately.

The sweetest thing about marriage is when a man and woman become as one, but the trouble starts when they try to decide which one. So, to live happily with your wife, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all. On top of that, you should forget your mistakes cause there’s no use in two people remembering the same thing.

Most of the time, silence is golden. If you don’t believe, try to have some words with your wife, for sure she has some paragraphs for you. To make her listen and pay attention to every word you say, talk in your sleep!

It's undeniable that married men could live longer than single men. But don’t forget married men are a lot more willing to die. That’s why people say, “A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife”.

As a conclusion, marriage is a 3 ring circus: Engagement Ring, Wedding Ring, and Suffering. A man is incomplete until he is married. Unfortunately he is finished after that.
kelmac07 10:41 AM 12-28-2011
:-) :-) :-)
Taki 11:58 AM 12-28-2011
HAHA :-):-)
Ogre 12:04 PM 12-28-2011

Marriage is a great institution, If you don't mind being institutionalized!!!!!
ucla695 12:53 PM 12-28-2011
:-) :-) :-)
HollywoodQue 02:25 PM 12-28-2011
So true!!!
LigaPrivadaT84 03:46 PM 12-28-2011
BnBTobacco 08:45 PM 12-28-2011