I had a mold problem in my humidor recently, so I had to empty the humidor and throw away the affected cigars.
I let the humi dry out for several days and then went through it with denatured alcohol and let it dry out for another 24-48 hours. I brought the humidity back up to around 76 percent with a dish of distilled water and kept it that way for several days to season the wood. Removed the dish and the humidity started to roll down to 72-73 percent after about 48 hours.
I threw my cigars back in there and it was fine and dandy, never moved below 70 percent, was staying in the 71 percent range and I didn't have a humidifier in it, stayed that way for about a week.
I filled one of the silicon bead-type humidifiers with straight distilled water and put it in the humidor to keep the humidity consistent, but it went up to about 73-74 percent. after a couple of days I added some PG solution to it, and maybe 5-6 hours later, the humi dropped to 62 percent. It has stayed there for a few days as I thought it might just be the weather.
PG solution killing the humidity? happen to anyone else? Im charging a different humidifier with just distilled water and will re-insert to bring it back up. It says on the bottle it's supposed to keep it at 70 percent.
Using an electronic hygrometer
Originally Posted by bobarian:
PG killed the beads. Only use distilled water with beads, dont kniw if it can be fixed. I recommend heartfeltindustries beads 65%.
Posted via Mobile Device
Ah! This is great info..I had no idea PG would kill the beads.
+1 for the info sir; i'll be sure to buy a fresh one and use distilled only.