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mikeespo 07:44 AM 12-11-2011
Anyone ever try the JR Alternative cigars if so are they any good?
longknocker 07:48 AM 12-11-2011
Originally Posted by mikeespo:
Anyone ever try the JR Alternative cigars if so are they any good? :-)
Buckeye Jack 09:16 AM 12-11-2011
Haven't had one in about 12 years.....just know that they are nothing like what they are an "alternative" for. The closest they get is in shape and size only. They are an excellent cigar to give out as handouts however......

Originally Posted by longknocker: :-)
Your link goes to a post about how Ultimates are good, but mentions nothing about alternatives. Just letting you know in case your link is going to the wrong place....
hotreds 09:40 AM 12-11-2011
Yes, no- "Ultimates" are a different story- they are tasty.
Nimbus 01:56 PM 12-11-2011
I tried them before and they are nothing to write home about. I'd rather be buying Padron 3000s, Tampa Sweethearts, Don Pepins, etc. many more varieties at the same price point.
longknocker 02:08 PM 12-11-2011
Originally Posted by Buckeye Jack:
Haven't had one in about 12 years.....just know that they are nothing like what they are an "alternative" for. The closest they get is in shape and size only. They are an excellent cigar to give out as handouts however......

Your link goes to a post about how Ultimates are good, but mentions nothing about alternatives. Just letting you know in case your link is going to the wrong place....
supadave 02:19 PM 12-11-2011
hi new guy here lol
i tried those before an smoked my last one about 6months ago, said never again cause they was as far away from the real thing as anything. i would just stick with the real thing other than going with some alternatives. those are the only alternatives i have had so can't compare them to any others.
boxmonkey 03:28 PM 12-11-2011
never met one I liked. as for the ultimates. . .I've only met 1.
GreekGodX 06:30 PM 12-11-2011
I wouldn't go near the alternatives. The ultimate's are decent, normally what I will buy from JR :-)
billybarue 07:22 PM 12-11-2011
Jr Ultimates are excellent. Cabinet #10 is best size IMO. Picked some at auction a week or two ago.

As far as the Alt's stick with the Alt ELs:

I know they will be knocked for imitating CCs, but the are outstanding of the ones I've had. Perviously, they were all a product of blending by Frank Llaneza. Without him will they be as good going forward - let's hope.

BryanB 08:54 PM 12-11-2011
Edicion Limitadas are by far the only ones worth trying. They don't taste anything like a LE Cuban but if you like a med-full give em a shot. They may suprise you.
mikeespo 01:55 AM 12-12-2011
thanks for the info guys i got some black knights and some CAO's coming in the mail tomorrow i am new to alot of this i guess i'll see what those are all about