latanin 09:54 AM 12-01-2011
Hi to all,
My late husband and I had spoken quite often about publishing one
day a catalogue about antique cigar cutters, showing our and other collections.
Because he could not come true with his wish any more, I had fulfilled at least a part of it... to create a book of his antique cigar cutters. The collection showing in this book was gathered over many years with best effort and a lot of love. Today a part of our cigar cutters are in other loving collector hands - owned by collectors scattered all over the world. But for just one time they will be - at least a part of them - united in this book again.
maybe you want to have a look at it ......
I would be happy about any feedback!
Thanks and greetings
This is terrific. Really shows the creativity and the imagination of the artisans. Gives me a great gift idea.
awsmith4 10:02 AM 12-01-2011
Very interesting collection. Nice tribute to his memory.
latanin 10:06 AM 12-01-2011
for me is it so important that people look at it - for the memory of my husband instead of selling it...but it makes me as well very happy if some are liking the book that much, that they even buy it.
Thanks again for your great feedback!
latanin 10:07 AM 12-01-2011
irratebass 10:13 AM 12-01-2011
This is amazing! Wonder why they don't make cutters like some of these anymore? Some very cool ones in there, would like to see them in operation as well.
latanin 10:15 AM 12-01-2011
Thanks very much.
if I figger out, how to post pictures, I will show you some
stearns 12:06 PM 12-01-2011
Fantastic book. I especially love the quote on the last page
latanin 12:45 PM 12-01-2011
thank you very much...that was the way my husband explained to friends, wich could not understand that he bought every antique cigar cutter he saw - even it was one of a kind he owned allready.
icehog3 01:04 PM 12-01-2011
Thank you so much for sharing your late husband's passion with us.
latanin 02:09 PM 12-01-2011
Thanks for liking it so much! my husband would be proud!
I have just recognised that the preview of the book shows only 18 pages.
here again the link for the entire book (78 pages)
NCRadioMan 04:10 PM 12-01-2011
latanin 04:21 PM 12-01-2011
very welcome and thanks for fixing the link!
poker 04:42 PM 12-01-2011
Thank you for sharing the book with us. An amazing collection of unique antique cigar cutters.
latanin 01:29 AM 12-02-2011
Thanks again to all of you for those positive feedbacks!
BlkDrew 02:25 AM 12-02-2011
That is an amazing collection, it would be interesting to see how each one worked.
latanin 03:45 AM 12-02-2011
Thanks very much!
well, since there are almost 1000 cutters showing in this book it is quite difficuld. but soon a figger out how I can add pictures I will post some close-ups from one or the other cutter.
latanin 09:31 AM 12-04-2011
Originally Posted by latanin:
Hi to all,
My late husband and I had spoken quite often about publishing one
day a catalogue about antique cigar cutters, showing our and other collections.
Because he could not come true with his wish any more, I had fulfilled at least a part of it... to create a book of his antique cigar cutters. The collection showing in this book was gathered over many years with best effort and a lot of love. Today a part of our cigar cutters are in other loving collector hands - owned by collectors scattered all over the world. But for just one time they will be - at least a part of them - united in this book again.
maybe you want to have a look at it ......
I would be happy about any feedback!
Thanks and greetings
Since I received from friends and other collectors questions if there is any version for a more reasonably price, here is a link for a smaller format
backwoods357 12:14 PM 12-04-2011
Wow, what a collection! I have never had the pleasure to come across any like the ones pictured.