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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Quick Question about Air Purifiers
Adriftpanda 03:54 PM 11-22-2011
I know some of you guys have your own smoking rooms, well a friend of mine just got one built and he needed some touch up stuff. What do you guys use for air purifiers? What's the best one to get? Thanks for the help, I looked up some but there's just so many.
massphatness 03:57 PM 11-22-2011
I have a Csonka that I got at Cigarmony and it works beautifully. When Grace has her girls weekend, I've smoked all day in the house, and overnight the Csonka eliminates all noticeable traces of odor.

Smells like the air after a lightning storm.

mmmmmm - ozone
Adriftpanda 04:03 PM 11-22-2011
Thanks Vinny, just sent my buddy an email.
jerseyjay 10:59 PM 11-22-2011
Check out this review -- Rabbit Air
d'am 10:37 PM 11-24-2011
Ozone is highly effective but dangerous in high concentrations. Carbon filters are safe, but it takes pounds and pounds of carbon to filter the smell of cigars. It's all of series of tradeoffs. I highly recommend reading up on general air purifier technology first: