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Steve 04:15 PM 10-19-2011
A pirate walked into a bar with a ship's wheel attached to his crotch.

The bartender says "That looks really uncomfortable!"

The Pirate says " Arrrrrrrrr, it's driving me nuts!"
emopunker2004 04:16 PM 10-19-2011
N2 GOLD 04:19 PM 10-19-2011
:-) :-) :-)
neoflex 04:22 PM 10-19-2011
Every time my wife says something is driving her nit, I always ask if she's a Pirate.:-)
Ogre 04:25 PM 10-19-2011
Yep, just as I thought. It was a Steve joke!!!!
Mattso3000 05:12 PM 10-19-2011
Drez 05:44 PM 10-19-2011
kelmac07 06:28 PM 10-19-2011
:-) :-)