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All Cigar Discussion>Where to get cigars?
irratebass 12:45 PM 10-05-2011
There is a website that will tell you where your local B&M shops are, I cannot remember the name of it, can anyone help me please? It's for a friend and I looked in the online cigar info thread and it didn't ring a bell...I have it saved on my home computer, but I'm at work.
Blak Smyth 12:48 PM 10-05-2011
You talkin bout this?
irratebass 12:54 PM 10-05-2011
That's not the one I was thinking, but it does the same thing and looks even better...thanks :-)
Lonely Raven 02:50 PM 10-05-2011
Cool, that page helped me find a place the next town over, that I didn't know existed!
timlisten 08:56 PM 10-05-2011
that's a nice site. I just started to smoking cigar and I will check out to see if there is one around my neighborhood.
RCS44 11:19 AM 10-09-2011
I have never heard of that website but seems to be really useful. I typed in my zip code and found a couple of places that i didnt know were around me.
deadrise 11:44 AM 10-09-2011
cool site sadly nothing much with in 50 miles of me