Enphrared 02:30 PM 09-23-2011
Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place. I think this place has only been up for a few days now and there's some rockin deals!! Plus the shipping is free. Thought I would share.
Ashcan Bill 02:35 PM 09-23-2011
Enphrared 02:37 PM 09-23-2011
LOL, is that considered spam? I don't work for the place, just noticed it the other day and it's rather addicting.
Cobra 19 & 54 02:40 PM 09-23-2011
Do they ever have anything good? Their recent cigars looked weak.
Enphrared 02:42 PM 09-23-2011
Depends what you like I guess. I thought the Diesel line was pretty good along with the Man-O-War's. I'm wanting to grab some Diesel's and maybe 5 Vegas Miami and Triple A's. Sometimes it goes through a weak stretch I suppose.
shilala 03:14 PM 09-23-2011
Maid's night out! What shall we eat? Spam!!!
I shared that with Lisa, we both got a good laugh. Totally awesome ad, good enough for framing.
deadrise 03:28 PM 09-23-2011
that's funny so cbid made a auction site to compete with its auction site this is just too funny. I am not sure why they have cigar.com to begin with so now they own cigars international cigars.com cigarbid.com and now cigarsprintsale.com that's funny
Enphrared 03:35 PM 09-23-2011
Oh really? I didn't know that. That is kind of funny. Well, you guys can delete this thread if that site is bogus. I thought it was cool. You guys have more experience than me in this hobby. I saw some boxes on there that there 50% less than on a few online sites. My humidor is getting low so I ran into that site as I shopped around. Didn't mean to offend.
deadrise 03:38 PM 09-23-2011
no no your fine all I am saying is cigarbid has better prices but really they are all owned buy the same company
Enphrared 03:43 PM 09-23-2011
ok cool. I'll check that place out too. Thanks.