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All Cigar Discussion>Dried out cigar question
Jon11 10:54 PM 09-18-2011
How can you tell if a cigar is dried out? A guy once told me to squeeze it and it should feel a little spongy. But a bunch of the cigars that I have in my humidor are hard and not spongy at all. My humidor has been at 65% since I loaded it up, the cigars arrived hard. I don't know if they are dried out or are they supposed to feel like that?
CigarNut 11:03 PM 09-18-2011
Squeezing cigars does not reliably tell you very much and you risk damaging the wrapper. Try cutting the cigar and checking the draw. If it draws OK try smoking it. If it smokes well then don't worry.

If the draw is not OK or it does not smoke well, try adjusting the RH. BTW, it is OK to put a cut cigar back in your humidor.

If you are worried make sure to test/calibrate/adjust your hygrometer. Hygrometers change over time as the batteries drain.

In all likelyhood your cigars are probably fine.
Remo 11:04 PM 09-18-2011
Mine are always a little spongy, but I keep my RH a little higher, they will burn better a little drier though IMO.
bobarian 11:34 PM 09-18-2011
Too wet or too dry is really difficult if not impossible to judge by feel or touch.
If you are using a good hygrometer and humifification(most here prefer Rh beads as they absorb as well as release moisture) and your cigars are smoking the way you like them then you are fine.

If after a month of storage your cigars are going out when smoking then chances are your Rh is too high. If your wrappers are cracking while smoking or you are getting a big cone then you may be too low. But be aware that coning also can occur from smoking too fast causing the wrapper to burn faster than the filler/binder. :-)
Ogre 09:36 AM 09-19-2011
Originally Posted by bobarian:
Too wet or too dry is really difficult if not impossible to judge by feel or touch.
If you are using a good hygrometer and humifification(most here prefer Rh beads as they absorb as well as release moisture) and your cigars are smoking the way you like them then you are fine.

If after a month of storage your cigars are going out when smoking then chances are your Rh is too high. If your wrappers are cracking while smoking or you are getting a big cone then you may be too low. But be aware that coning also can occur from smoking too fast causing the wrapper to burn faster than the filler/binder. :-)
:-) Could not be put any better way.
Skywalker 12:59 PM 09-19-2011
Listen to Bob! He knows his stuff!!!:-)
RightAJ 06:00 PM 09-20-2011
Smoke something that has been there for a bit. If it smokes well (flavor/construction) you should be fine! 65% is pretty standard and shouldn't give you problems.. that is as long as you hygrometer is accurate
