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Coffee Discussion>Please recommend.....
0002S 06:27 AM 09-14-2011
A good reasonable priced coffee grinder @ less than $300.00

I have a Jura F9 and have used it for years for coffee and espresso. It works great. I'm lazy so.....:-)

I was given a Presso and want to brew espresso with it.

I brew around 2-4 cups of espresso a day, max.

I don't want a cleaning nightmare or 'finicky' machine.

It doesn't need to impress my coffee geek friends either.

I just want a simple solid machine that does the job.

Recommendation please

Thanks in advance.

mkarnold1 07:06 AM 09-14-2011
My Cuisinart model DBM-8 does a fine job and it was about 50 bucks. It has 18 settings from fine grind to coarse grind and allows you to set the amount to grind and then just push the button to make it run. I have owned it for about 3 years and have not been able to break it yet.
Mattso3000 07:09 AM 09-14-2011
Trust me, this guy tries to break stuff.:-)
ashtonlady 07:24 AM 09-14-2011
My Capresso does well, I use it for drip and press coffee. But , do you want a good shot some of the time or a great shot all of the time?
Newbie_nick 07:52 AM 09-14-2011
I use a Baratza Maestro Plus Conical Burr coffee grinder, and it does a pretty good job. I only really grind for a French press and only really use the coarse settings, but it actually has 40 grind settings. I'd recommend it!
tedrodgerscpa 10:17 AM 09-14-2011
It's gonna be hard to get a nice espresso grind for less than $300, based on my research.

I purchased a Baratza Vario (~$400) and it does a TREMENDOUS job. I use it daily, and coffee in = coffee out (99.9% yield), so cleaning is a breeze.

If you are stuck with the $300 price range, I'd suggest any of the higher end rocky rancilio / capresso / barazta grinders close to your price range, or hunt ebay for a nice used one.

Good luck
Resipsa 10:29 AM 09-14-2011
According to this thread:

The reccommended grind for that machine appears to be french press.

It's tough to find a true espresso grinder (actually probably impossible if you want new) for less than $300, but it looks like the reccommended grind to use with this machine is french press, so I wouldn't worry about that.

The Baratza Virtuouso can be had for less than $200, I've got one and it's a great all around grinder for everything short of espresso, although in a pinch it can do that too.
replicant_argent 10:41 AM 09-14-2011
Talk this guy down a few bucks. Then you never have to buy another grinder.
mosesbotbol 10:45 AM 09-14-2011
Rancilio Rocky Stainless Steel is the benchmark grinder under $400.00
tedrodgerscpa 11:22 AM 09-14-2011
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
Talk this guy down a few bucks. Then you never have to buy another grinder.
Nice find in the OP's neighborhood! :-)
germantown rob 05:44 PM 09-14-2011
The Baratza Preciso is looking to be a very good grinder for all brewing methods including espresso. Here is what Mark Prince has to say about it.

I have the Baratza Vario that is a dedicated espresso grinder with the Virtuoso doing all other brew grinds and am very satisfied. What I like about what is said about the Preciso is that it does the courser grinds with less fines then the Vario can do.
floydpink 07:09 PM 09-14-2011
Originally Posted by tedrodgerscpa:
Nice find in the OP's neighborhood! :-)
...and mine. Had me thinking about a second grinder for a second.
BnBTobacco 07:20 PM 09-14-2011
I just bought my CBTL for around $150 and I'm loving it!
0002S 08:09 PM 09-14-2011
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
Talk this guy down a few bucks. Then you never have to buy another grinder.
Great catch, already sold though