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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>ANOTHER Xikar Cutter
AtlantaDave 05:55 PM 09-08-2011
Got me another Xikar cutter. * It's the 'Beechwood' model


My Xikar cutter collection so far: *Beechwood, Body Wave and Redwood

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WittyUserName 05:58 PM 09-08-2011
They look great. I one but I left it at home.
dwoodward 06:05 PM 09-08-2011
I am still sporting my Xi8 cutter. I like it a lot, except it sticks sometimes. That said, my cigar budget has been about zero for the last 6 months so buying a new one is out of the question at this time. Still cuts great tho, when its not sticking.
longknocker 06:07 PM 09-08-2011
Originally Posted by dwoodward:
I am still sporting my Xi8 cutter. I like it a lot, except it sticks sometimes. That said, my cigar budget has been about zero for the last 6 months so buying a new one is out of the question at this time. Still cuts great tho, when its not sticking.
Send It Back To Xikar. Lifetime Warranty! :-)
WittyUserName 06:09 PM 09-08-2011
Originally Posted by longknocker:
Send It Back To Xikar. Lifetime Warranty! :-)
thechrisdotcom 06:18 PM 09-08-2011
I like that, I have a beachwood men from Xikar. I saw the cutters at a Xikar event that I went to.
irratebass 07:50 PM 09-08-2011
Them's pretty Dave
jjmitchem 12:02 AM 09-09-2011
I have that same beechwood cutter. The wood came loose while I was deployed, sent it to Xikar and they replaced it quickly with a new one
TBone 12:03 AM 09-09-2011
I just got the Xi8 after going through 6 palio's and I think its the best cutter I've used. Love the collection
vinnydisilvio 12:06 AM 09-09-2011
very nice choice dave.
falconman515 09:27 PM 09-12-2011
Just got my first Xikar Xi2 cutter.... I love it so far!