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Jokes>School Starts Tomorrow
markem 12:38 AM 09-06-2011
Twas the night before school started, when all through the town, the parents were cheering... It was a riotous sound! By 8, kids were washed and tucked into bed... Where memories of homework filled them with dread! New pencils, new folders, new notebooks too! New teachers, new friends...Their anxiety grew! The parents just giggled when they learned of this fright- and shouted upstairs: Go To Bed! It's A School Night!!
Skywalker 12:42 AM 09-06-2011
jwintosh 04:23 AM 09-06-2011
haha. all but the bedtime... 8? right....
irratebass 04:24 AM 09-06-2011
longknocker 04:47 AM 09-06-2011
WittyUserName 06:34 AM 09-06-2011
Nice :-) :-)
kelmac07 06:51 AM 09-06-2011
:-) :-)
Sailchaser 07:12 AM 09-06-2011