AtlantaDave 04:03 PM 08-26-2011
Just delivered today.
Got a pretty good deal on this Xikar Red Wave on cbid
Posted via Mobile Device
The Poet 04:05 PM 08-26-2011
gray8188 10:35 AM 08-29-2011
Nice that's pretty cool looking! I just bought a gray xi2 for myself for my birthday. Nothing fancy but I'm a broke college student and it gets the job done.
vinnydisilvio 06:21 PM 08-31-2011
very nice! hey, if you're on facebook you should join all the xikar groups/pages available because they often run really easy to enter contests where you can win lighters and cutters.
I love my Xikar!!! Great cutters!!!
irratebass 07:04 PM 08-31-2011
Very nice Dave, and thanks Vinny
falconman515 03:27 AM 09-03-2011
Just had mine shipped from CBID today .... will be here next Friday.
Got mine for $25 .... It's the black Xi1
longknocker 06:57 AM 09-03-2011