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mangwhop 03:33 PM 08-25-2011
hide my cigars in preperation for Irene hitting us sun/mon??
chippewastud79 03:41 PM 08-25-2011
Wherever you are going to. If they had to stay in the home, I would be putting them in whatvever I can find that would be the most water tight. :-)
pektel 03:49 PM 08-25-2011
UPS air to my address. :-)
bruceolee 03:50 PM 08-25-2011
As a veteran of 4 hurricanes (Irene,Frances,Jean and Wilma) I can tell you it's not easy. I kept my cigars in a closet (high ground) away from windows. If you have power the humidity shouldn't be much of an issue. Better yet if you have enviromental control and can regulate humidity even better. If you lose power on the other hand after the storm passes keep them in the coolest room in the house with hopefully some ventilation.
remember that this is temporary and the weather will pass and any humidy issue with your smokes shouldn't be such a big issue that it ruins your cigars. Worry about the big stuff, like keeping your house and family safe. Buy alot of Ice, Bottled water, food that doesn't require too much prep or care. Propane is another issue if you have a gas grill and you lose power. A generator doesn't hurt either. Good luck everyone who's in the path. Hopefully it turns out to be just a little wind and rain.
bruceolee 03:52 PM 08-25-2011
Oh yeah, fill your car up and if you have a generator stock up on 10-20 gallons of gas.
N2 GOLD 04:06 PM 08-25-2011
Originally Posted by mangwhop:
hide my cigars in preperation for Irene hitting us sun/mon??
I got some space in my humi... :-)
mangwhop 04:18 PM 08-25-2011
Hey Peter if i ship my 'gars to ya that would mean we all come with them. Got room?? lol
massphatness 04:21 PM 08-25-2011
Wayne? You're in MA? We're gonna get some rain but it doesn't look like we should be taking the brunt of of a full on hurricane.
SvilleKid 04:53 PM 08-25-2011
Cooler, and strap the lid shut. It will float! That way, when the clean-up people are clearing all the debris, and they find the cooler, and open it...... It will really brighten their day!! (Unless, of course, they are smoke nazis!)
Hippiebrian 07:29 PM 08-25-2011
I'd put them in a cooler with beads and duct tape the lid. Put it on the top shelf in the closet. Like the others said, fill up with gas, make sure the generator works and have propane for the grill. Prepare for the worst and party when it doesn't happen!
mangwhop 07:49 PM 08-25-2011
Massphatness, we're in the "widespread damage area". Figured we would be prepared.


mangwhop 07:51 PM 08-25-2011
Originally Posted by SvilleKid:
Cooler, and strap the lid shut. It will float! That way, when the clean-up people are clearing all the debris, and they find the cooler, and open it...... It will really brighten their day!! (Unless, of course, they are smoke nazis!)

Last time my girlfriend decided to "hide" something the fire dept. found it. It wasnt all ages approved (XXX). LOL
Stinky 09:58 PM 08-25-2011
secure the cigars in a cooler. Hunker down and keep the family safe. Payers sent.
Hope for wind & rain with no damage! God bless all in the East coast.
gbum 10:17 PM 08-25-2011
oohhh... no wonder...
i just know about this disaster...
hopefully its it gonna turn out ok...
will pray for ya ..