Discussion>New Bill-1,650% Tax Increase on Pipe Tobacco!
NCRadioMan 01:21 PM 08-25-2011
Insanity at it's finest!
Originally Posted by :
In January of 2010, we had H.R. 4439, the Tobacco Tax Parity Act of 2010 which proposed raising the tax on pipe tobacco 775% from $2.8311 to $24.78 per pound.
Thankfully that bill died in committee.
Now we have S. 1403: IDEA Full Funding Act.
shilala 01:32 PM 08-25-2011
LOL. They'll do whatever they can do to drag a couple bucks out of the working man, won't they?
I wonder who the woman was who first thought up the idea of sin taxes?
Mister Moo 02:20 PM 08-25-2011
Weird. This morning I was looking at he tobacco excise taxes used to fund State Children's Health Insurance Programs. looks like somebody wants to equate us good pipesmokers with those nasty roll-your-own cigarette rascals.
Pipe tobacco $2.83 per pound (effective April 2009) or $0.18/ounce or 1.5-cents per bowl
Roll-your-own tobacco $24.78 per pound (effective April 2009) or $1.55/ounce
cp478 02:58 AM 08-26-2011
Thats because if you look a lot of the roll your own tobacco has started labeling their product as pipe tobacco.
designwise1 05:23 PM 08-26-2011
Be sure to write your representatives and protest this tax increase. 94 percent of the district I'm in (about 285 people so far) have left negative feedback with our state representative about this bill.