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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Xikar 5 Stick Travel Caddy
zman 06:41 PM 08-13-2011
I recently acquired a Xikar 5 Stick Travel Caddy from a friend who had trouble opening it after a flight. He has since purchased a small Pelican Case with a pressure relief.

My question is since I dont use the built in humidifier but use a Boveda pack should I cut the top foam and velcro the Boveda to make it fit. It seems very tight laying on top of the smokes.

Will laying the Boveda on the smokes:

a) Crush the smokes.
b) Provide enough room in the Caddy for the Boveda to work.

Thanks for any help.
NCRadioMan 07:05 PM 08-13-2011
I don't see a problem with making space in the foam but unless you are storing cigars in there for the long term, you don't need to use anything. Those cases are very tight and cigars will be fine in there for months without humidification if they are properly humidified going in.

Drez 07:07 PM 08-13-2011
Originally Posted by NCRadioMan:
Unless you are storing cigars in there for the long term, you don't need to use anything. Those cases are very tight and cigars will be fine in there for months without humidification.


I've had sticks in my 5 or 15 count for a few days with nothing and it never affected them.
zman 07:14 PM 08-13-2011
Off this subject how can I make the signature line longer to make the text more legible. I have tried for hours.
Mattso3000 07:14 PM 08-13-2011
The humidipaks in my 5 and 15 are the tiny ones that take up no space, that's all you need. Also, I prefer to take out the foam tray and put the humidipak in the bottom so it's not directly in contact with the cigars tho I don't know if that makes a difference or not, just personal preference.
zman 07:39 PM 08-13-2011
Will the humification from the Boveda penetrate the foam and work properly?
Drez 08:26 PM 08-13-2011
Originally Posted by zman:
Off this subject how can I make the signature line longer to make the text more legible. I have tried for hours.
No idea someone made me my sig line years ago.

Maybe in photo bucket you can edit it and stretch it out?
Drez 08:27 PM 08-13-2011
Originally Posted by zman:
Will the humification from the Boveda penetrate the foam and work properly?