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All Cigar Discussion>La Aroma de Cuba and La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor
alfredo_buscatti 06:04 AM 08-12-2011
Holt's current catalog says that the La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor is the #1 best-selling cigar of 2010.

Why does it, as compared to the La Aroma de Cuba, cost so much more? Age?
kelmac07 06:28 AM 08-12-2011
I've torched a few Mi Amors and was not impressed. :-)
chand 07:10 AM 08-12-2011
I like the EE better than either of those two.
SteveH 07:41 AM 08-12-2011
The Mi Amor was a nice smoke for the 1st 1/2...After that I didn't care for it at all. An expensive cigar to always 'davidoff'.
biggbob 09:54 AM 08-12-2011
I like the EE better as well, but i had to have at least a box of each to be "sure"
chand 09:57 AM 08-12-2011
Originally Posted by biggbob:
I like the EE better as well, but i had to have at least a box of each to be "sure"
Hmm. Maybe I should conduct more tests! :-)
Ogre 10:06 AM 08-12-2011
Originally Posted by chand:
I like the EE better than either of those two.
:-) awesome cigar
fritz43096 02:12 PM 08-12-2011
I was really impressed with my Mi Amor(s), but its all individual taste.