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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>New lighter!
AtlantaDave 03:52 PM 08-09-2011
Received my ST Dupont Ligne 2 Vertical Lines lighter today


It'll keep my cutter company

Posted via Mobile Device
WittyUserName 03:55 PM 08-09-2011
BEAUTIFUL. I just cannot bring myself to spend the cash, would rather buy more sticks :-) Just curious, where did you pick it up?
Ogre 03:57 PM 08-09-2011
Sweet combo brother!!
kickerb 04:00 PM 08-09-2011
wow, that is awesome. thanks for sharing.
Tyler 04:21 PM 08-09-2011
Very nice Dave!
The Poet 04:25 PM 08-09-2011
Georgeous. Even if I had the cash, I'd be terrified of losing those.
MurphysLaw 04:27 PM 08-09-2011
Very nice, as a recent convert to soft flame, that is my "one day" lighter :-)
Flynnster 06:52 PM 08-09-2011
Looks amazing, as does the cutter!
kelmac07 07:07 PM 08-09-2011
She's a beauty!! :-)
Django 07:10 PM 08-09-2011
Originally Posted by AtlantaDave:
It'll keep my cutter company

Posted via Mobile Device
Nah, they don't match you better toss one of them (if you're emotionally unable send it to me, i'll toss it for you :-))
jk, very nice lighter and dito cutter
Aporschaguy 08:08 PM 08-09-2011
Classy lighter. S.T. Dupont makes fantastic lighters and the ping screams quality.

FYI on eBay you can buy a brass fitting that allows you to refill with any can of butane. Be carefull though as it's so small it's easy to loose. I lost mine and haven't refilled my lighter in about a year... This thread makes me want to run down and buy the refill pack and order a new fitting.

Your cutter is just gorgeous... Quanto?
Tyler 08:18 PM 08-09-2011
You two confuse me with your almost identical avatars.
LostAbbott 08:20 PM 08-09-2011
Stunning fire maker you got there. Birthday present?
Posted via Mobile Device
Aporschaguy 08:26 PM 08-09-2011
Originally Posted by Wallbright:
You two confuse me with your almost identical avatars.
That's funny... I love McQueen cause of his race heritage and all round cool guy attitude. I have him as an avatar on another site minus cigar. I thought I was being original when I picked it... :-)
Bill86 08:39 PM 08-09-2011
Damn those lighters are nice. Someday....someday.

Excellent score ! :-)
longknocker 09:00 PM 08-09-2011
Beautiful! :-)
Angry_Pirate 02:58 AM 08-10-2011
Sweet!! They make some nice lighters and cutters!!