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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Xikar Problems
dwoodward 01:54 PM 07-22-2011
My Xikar X8 has been working great for a few months now but recently it is starting to stick. I can't really explain it more than that, it used to open and close great, now it opens and then sticks when you try to cut the end of a cigar. It's making my cuts kinda crappy since I have to jerk the cutter when I cut with it.

Is there a way to clean it yourself? Or would that void its warranty?

Is it best to just send it in for replacement?
Bill86 01:59 PM 07-22-2011
Just send it out. I recently got my lighter and Punch back.

Brand new punch same lighter. They seem to replace cutters very often and only fix the lighters.

Never the less after sending in my lighter twice it works good enough. Still not perfect though.
T.G 02:05 PM 07-22-2011
A lot times the binding is just from debris getting stuck in the tracks. Check to see if there are any flakes of tobacco stick in the tracks, if so, you can use a toothpick or straightened paper clip to try and knock them out. Additionally, you can use rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab to clean any grime out of the trackways and on the blade surfaces. If that doesn't do it, then it could be damaged, bent or whatever is in there is something that you won't be able to get out, so it seems justifiable to go ahead and send it in for replacement.
NCRadioMan 02:09 PM 07-22-2011
You can also put it in the dishwasher. And you really can't void the warranty. It's unconditional.

Also, if you have an official dealer near you, they will replace it on the spot if you so desire.
Zeuceone 02:16 PM 07-22-2011
Mine did the same. I just opened it up and took the tabacco out. Get a knife or something flat and thin to pry the two pieces apart.
kelmac07 02:38 PM 07-22-2011
Been using mine for almost 9 months now and I clean it with rubbing alcohol and a Q-Tip every few weeks and have not had a problem.
Ogre 03:06 PM 07-22-2011
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Been using mine for almost 9 months now and I clean it with rubbing alcohol and a Q-Tip every few weeks and have not had a problem.
I also clean it with alcohol, then I but a couple of drops of cooking oil and work it in. After working it wipe of the excess. Have had mine for over a year and no problems here.
nofeardiver 03:32 PM 07-22-2011
I don't know I would put it in the dish washer but I have never tried, never really thought about it, it might work, now I have taken mine and cleaned it with alcohol before and you could use a can of compressed air and blow it and see if there is some build up