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All Cigar Discussion>CRA Membership
Duke9192 07:34 AM 07-15-2011
To all my cigar smoking brothers here in the asylum, if you haven't had the opportunity to join the Cigar Rights of America I urge you to do so. With the FDA and the government on our case in regards to smoking, purchasing our fine hand rolled delights.... we are in serious danger of loosing our right to smoke or even possess a cigar. So please take a few moments and go to their web site and become a member. You'll be doing your part to insure that we can continue to enjoy a great smoke when and where we want.

If your already a member and can think of anything else to add please chime in. I'd like to hear what you guys have to say.
Blak Smyth 07:36 AM 07-15-2011
Checking it out now, this may be incentive for some!


CRA Website
Sherlockholms 08:12 AM 07-15-2011
Thanks for the heads up Jon, and thanks for the link Shane!
thebayratt 05:24 PM 07-15-2011
You get discounts on hotels, theme/water parks, and some B&Ms also!

If you have a family, you could easily make up the money spent onthe membership if you use the card on a hotel and themepark discount in one trip!
Let alone if you have a B&M that gives you discounts with the card.
I have used my card numerouse times and have probably saved close to $100 this year alone in cigar discounts.
Ogre 09:12 PM 07-15-2011
I am a proud member of the CRA!!!!
MrOneEyedBoh 09:34 PM 07-15-2011
Why are we about to loose our rights? what has happened? Sorry to side rail, but maybe this will help others that are also in question.
Ogre 09:39 PM 07-15-2011
Originally Posted by MrOneEyedBoh:
Why are we about to loose our rights? what has happened? Sorry to side rail, but maybe this will help others that are also in question.
A number of states are trying to limit where you can smoke, even in public parks. Hitting sales with large taxes and even trying to control the businesses where cigars are sold. You can go to the CRA website and read up on some of the laws trying to be placed.
MrOneEyedBoh 11:02 PM 07-15-2011
Thanks, and yeah a county in MD just passed the no smoking with in 25' of playgrounds and I think parks. I didnt listen to it much because I dont smoke near them anyway. But still caught my ear.
cmitch 07:40 AM 07-16-2011
The sheeple who parade around creating a forum for these bans do not understand that if one liberty is lost, all can be taken. I have found that 'old wimmen's perfume' is 10 times more noxious than any smoke I've ever encountered. So, I propose we introduce bills in our local legislature to ban perfume. I'm sure we could think of another example or two that might wake up these 'Oh, No! It's SMOKE!' a$$holes.
Ranger_B 02:03 PM 07-16-2011
I am a proud member and will continue to be one. Even if you are not a member you should at least check out their website to get an idea of all the legislation out there. Some good battles have been won but others have been lost. It is a shame that it has come to the point where we need associations like the CRA, NRA but without them I am scared to see what rights would be lost. Without getting too political I would like to just urge everyone here to check out CRA to consider joining. Once the rights are gone they are alot harder to get back.
boom 05:35 PM 07-16-2011
gotta renew....thanks
Bad Finger 06:05 PM 07-16-2011
Originally Posted by Ogre3239:
A number of states are trying to limit where you can smoke, even in public parks. Hitting sales with large taxes and even trying to control the businesses where cigars are sold. You can go to the CRA website and read up on some of the laws trying to be placed.
What has the CRA done in the places where smoking in public parks has been banned to get the laws changed? I'm curious as to what they do in these instances.
Duke9192 08:14 PM 07-16-2011
Originally Posted by Ogre3239:
I am a proud member of the CRA!!!!
I am as well. I just renewed with a lifetime membership. CRA is a great organization that's doing what it can to protect our rights to enjoy a great when & where we want.
jsnake 08:45 PM 07-16-2011
Got the new CRA newsletter today. Has lots of great information.
Ogre 09:02 PM 07-16-2011
Originally Posted by Bad Finger:
What has the CRA done in the places where smoking in public parks has been banned to get the laws changed? I'm curious as to what they do in these instances.
They are bringing awareness of theses laws to the public. In Florida alone I have written about 7 letters to my reps reguarding proposals made. CRA brought these to my attention so I could have a voice and be active.
SmokeyJoe 09:02 PM 07-16-2011
Originally Posted by Bad Finger:
What has the CRA done in the places where smoking in public parks has been banned to get the laws changed? I'm curious as to what they do in these instances.
Here is the site... hopefully you can find the information you seek.

Oh... and I am a member as well. :-)
Stinky 09:36 PM 07-16-2011
I've been a proud CRA member from the first year. Most important thing they need is your support. Not only the membership fee . . . they need a million+ members. If you cannot afford (or justify) the annual $35 . . . simply go to their web site and click on the GRASS ROOTS link (left hand column) and register. It's free to stand up and be counted. And stay active. Click on their links to send your opinion and keep your freedom.


Attached: CRA used Sample aaa.jpg (56.3 KB) 
Ranger_B 10:36 AM 07-17-2011
Originally Posted by Bad Finger:
What has the CRA done in the places where smoking in public parks has been banned to get the laws changed? I'm curious as to what they do in these instances.
In most cases you get an email action alert so you can write the Representative from your area. The CRA is not an instant fix to antismoking legislation. The focus is the on the members to get them involved so the elected members responsible know that smokers vote. The CRA is active in local state and national smoking laws but without numbers they do not have a good leg to stand on.
Shadow 12:53 PM 07-19-2011
Originally Posted by Stinky:
I've been a proud CRA member from the first year. Most important thing they need is your support. Not only the membership fee . . . they need a million+ members. If you cannot afford (or justify) the annual $35 . . . simply go to their web site and click on the GRASS ROOTS link (left hand column) and register. It's free to stand up and be counted. And stay active. Click on their links to send your opinion and keep your freedom.

Like the CRA logo on the ashtray Stinky!
ColdCuts 03:47 PM 08-04-2014
I hope nobody minds me reviving this old thread. I just wanted to announce that I've finally become a card-carrying member of the CRA!

I know. I know. I'm late to the party. I feel bad that it took me so long to pay for a membership, but I finally got it done thanks to their current $10 off deal -- which, by the way, runs until this Friday when the FDA Docket Comment Period closes.

Before I joined, I tried to do my part. For some time I've received the free CRA e-newsletter and have written my elected officials and participated in the FDA Docket Comment Period thanks in no small part to that e-newsletter. But, I have to say, it feels good to finally put my money where my mouth is and financially support the only organization I know that is fighting for our beloved hobby.

I'm looking forward to my official membership card and continuing to fight the good fight. :-)