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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Punching
OLS 03:31 PM 07-06-2011
If nothing else, a punch should ALWAYS be the first cut. If you get no air, then sure, guillotine it. If STILL no draw,
toss it on a counter somewhere and try it a week later. If still no air, use it to throw at a squirrel. They'll never see it
Blak Smyth 03:51 PM 07-06-2011
Originally Posted by OLS:
If nothing else, a punch should ALWAYS be the first cut. If you get no air, then sure, guillotine it. If STILL no draw,
toss it on a counter somewhere and try it a week later. If still no air, use it to throw at a squirrel. They'll never see it
Dumb squirrels!
fritz43096 07:59 PM 07-25-2011
I tried a punch back when I first started smoking cigars and (havin no idea what I was doing) didn't like it. Bought myself a nice lighter with a punch for Christmas last year and love it compared to cutting. Occasionally you might run into a cigar that needs a cut just because the draw is too tight but overall...I love the punch.
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