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All Cigar Discussion>Cigar Video on Youtube
dkummerle 12:51 AM 06-26-2011
A friend just picked up some great cigars from the Bahamas for me, the box was accompanied with a entertaining video on the history of cigar smoking, which included footage of rolling houses in Cuba, DR, and Nicaragua. While it was taken in the 80s, it's still fun to watch...I uploaded it to youtube, the link is attached below.
pnoon 12:55 AM 06-26-2011
It's been removed from YouTube
Cornrow_Wallis 11:15 AM 06-26-2011
I think youtube videos can be a max of 15 minutes. How long was that one?
dkummerle 04:14 PM 06-26-2011
Shoot, I'm was way over 15 minutes! I'll see if I can splice it, then put it back up on youtube...
BTcigars 02:59 PM 06-27-2011
you can always upload it to a file sharing network like rapidshare. I wouldnt mind having a local copy of a cigar vid :-)