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All Cigar Discussion>What do you guys think of the Mosaico line of cigars?
N2 GOLD 06:36 PM 06-16-2011
Mosaico line of cigars??? I have only seen them in bundles on the Famous web site. I have yet to find a B&M/shop out here that carries them. Would it be worth it to buy a bundle since I can find any singles... :-)

Are they good, bad, daily or crap??? :-)

Bill86 06:48 PM 06-16-2011 Here's an old thread about them, not much posts.

They are like $1.50 a churchill I would think they are at best "yard gars".
GHC_Hambone 01:49 AM 06-17-2011
Got a bundle of Connecticut churchills. They are ok, nothing special. Ok for a yard gar or giveaways.