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All Cigar Discussion>Thinking Crazy
maninblack 03:46 PM 06-01-2011
Lifes too short for second guessing yourself. Just roll with it!! I have what some would say, way too many cigars, but I love my hobby and those people can kiss my ass.
sam a 04:47 PM 06-01-2011
the way i look at it is:

cash = potential stuff
cigars = stuff that i enjoy

if in the end, i can convert money into enjoyable experiences... sign me up. :-)
Smokin Gator 05:20 PM 06-01-2011
I understand and think we all go through that process at times. I am to the point now where I know what I like and what I don't. I have no problem restocking but don't chase the latest and greatest.

If you decide to sell some stuff so be it. Just don't use the money for anything other than buying what you really enjoy!!:-)
Ogre 05:32 PM 06-01-2011
Originally Posted by Smokin Gator:
I understand and think we all go through that process at times. I am to the point now where I know what I like and what I don't. I have no problem restocking but don't chase the latest and greatest.

If you decide to sell some stuff so be it. Just don't use the money for anything other than buying what you really enjoy!!:-)
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