emopunker2004 03:48 AM 05-27-2011
SteveH 07:21 AM 05-27-2011
If we were only that lucky.......
They were around here about a year ago protesting at a kid's funeral (KIA). So I joined up with a bunch of other retired/off duty cops with bikes and 'escorted' the funeral procession. It just so happened that we parked our bikes in front of these asshats and left the bikes running as the procession went by. NOTHING quite like ~ 80 bikes with open pipes and 15 emergency service vehicles w/sirens on to drown out the protests.
Wanger 07:54 AM 05-27-2011
When will these pathetic excuses for "Christians" disappear?
CRIMPS 09:12 AM 05-27-2011
Fordman4ever 09:37 AM 05-27-2011
The Patriot Guard Riders usually keep those folks from getting too close to military funerals around here. Hopefully something like that happens there.
Gophernut 09:46 AM 05-27-2011
I will never understand why they are protesting at the funerals of the same individuals that in fact protect their right to protest. Seems counter intuitive. And pathetic. I really appreciate groups like the Patriot Guard Riders that counter these idiots.
NCRadioMan 10:21 AM 05-27-2011
Double FAIL.
Politics and religion all in one.
croatan 10:30 AM 05-27-2011
Yeah, I don't think there's a whole lot to be said on this topic...well, there may be a whole lot to be said, but there's not a whole lot to be said here